The Ecology Party of Florida is dedicated to our role as an independent party focused on protecting the environment and its residents (plants, other animals, and humans) here in the State of Florida and elsewhere. Please take a look around our website and if our focus resonates with you, register with your local supervisor of elections as an Ecology Party member and let others know about us.
Author: Ecology Party
Proposed Settlement between the EPA and Mosaic Fertilizer LLC.
The Ecology Party of Florida continues to fight against the environmentally destructive practice of phosphate mining. We recently submitted the following comments on the proposed settlement between the EPA and Mosaic Fertilizer LLC.
From 2011 to 2015, the EPF has provided public comments on every stage of the phosphate mining AEIS process, including comments on the harmful cumulative effects of fertilizer production and on harms from dumping hazardous waste into municipal water systems for “fluoridation.” The COE and EPA have ignored those comments, so we submitted a 60 day intent to sue notice. At the time, a donor had promised to pay for the law suit. Unfortunately, she reneged, leaving us, and the other organizations who joined in the letter, unable to pay for the suit to go forward.
Clearly the blatant NEPA violations of federal laws by EPA and the COE must be challenged in federal court. This is your opportunity to make a great investment in the environment by helping fund our federal suit and force these agencies to comply with NEPA and all other relevant federal laws. Please contact us for donation logistics.
Regulate Fluoridated Waters And Chemicals As Drugs
- Requests that the FDA issue a regulation in 21 CFR Part 250 (or in another appropriate Part) stating that fluoridation chemical additives and fluoridated drinking waters are drugs pursuant to section 201(g)(1) of the FDCA when the intended use is to aid in the prevention, mitigation, and/or prophylactic treatment of dental caries disease (tooth decay, cavities).
You can type your comment into the “Comment” box or you can paste a text-only comment into the “Comment” box (with a maximum of 5000 total characters). You have to put something into the “Comment” box even if it is only a description of your attachments. When other people access this docket, they will see what you put in the “Comment” box, they will be able to read any attachments, and you will only be identified by your country, state or province, and your “category” which I will explain below.